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Measuring Article Impact

Cited Reference Searching

Can be used to find out if an article, book, journal, or particular author has been cited by another work.

Article Level Metrics

Article-level metrics (ALMs) attempt to provide a snapshot of how an individual article is being discussed, shared, and used. ALMs combine traditional metrics, such as number of times cited, with altmetrics (e.g., mentions in blogs, downloads).

Where do I find them? Whether or not ALMs are available for a particular article will depend on the platform or publisher.

PLOS Article Level Metrics
Available for works published in PLoS (Public Library of Science) journals. ALM data, API, and widgets are available.

The following publishers and platforms include ALMs that are provided by Altmetric Altmetric

PlumX Metrics LogoPlumX Metrics is a different altmetric widget that you will see in EBSCO Databases, including Search Everything.

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