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WebPath Copyright and Fair Use

The contents and design, including images, in this resource are protected under U.S. Copyright © 1994-2018 by Edward C. Klatt MD, Savannah, Georgia, USA.

Permitted Uses

Institutional subscribers may copy or link to WebPath Images and illustrations for educational use including lectures or other teaching material presented within the institution. Educational material containing WebPath images and illustrations, including course lectures and handouts, may be added to a centralized, institutional learning management system, such as Canvas, so long as the material is password protected and access limited to authorized institutional users.

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To request permission to use the images and illustrations in any way other than that provided above contact:
Edward C. Klatt, email to:

Information from the License Agreement

Institutions with a site license are hereby licensed to use copies of this product for institutional use and run WebPath 15 on any computers which the institution owns and operates on a single campus or on multiple campuses for the students or employees who attend classes or work at that institution.

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